While looking around for a command line tool to check my network speed,
I stumbledupon a post on lowendtalk.com.
What is it?
It’s a command line interface to the speedtest.net servers and can be found here:
What is Speedtest?
Speedtest.net is a connection analysis website where users can test their internet
speed against hundreds of geographically dispersed servers around the world.
At the end of each test,users are presented with their download (the speed of data
from the server to their computer) and upload (the speed of sending data from
the user’s computer to the server) bandwidth speeds.
This script requires lxml and argparse, so make sure you install that first.
See this link for a howto.
In most cases it’s enough to run this command from a terminal: pypm install lxml
How does the script work?
See the this url for how to use the program
Running the script
After downloading the requirements I decided to give this program a chance.
Copy and paste the code from here.
Run the script
Open up your editor, copy and paste the above code and save the file as speed.py
To execute the program, type python and the file name in the shell.
$python speed.py
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